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Shine - the story behind the SHINE necklace

shine necklace


Here is the story behind this piece:
True beauty really does come from within. It is something you radiate from the inside out. It is an energy that can lighten up an entire room when you enter it. It is a feeling of bursting energy. It draws strangers close to you.

A lot has to do with self love. Not only accepting yourself for who you are, but truly loving and embracing yourself. Today, I am 47 years old, I had twins, skin cancer and major reconstructive surgery of my face last year, but I have never felt more confident and beautiful in my life. I love my life. I love who I have become and people around me feel it. I love speaking in front of groups. I love to inspire and give back.

The other day somebody said to me "Just being near you makes me feel happy!" For me, that's the greatest compliment somebody can make me. It put an even bigger smile on my face and my light was shining even brighter...🌞❤

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